CR_10-096 Revises section TCS 17.06, relating to training program grants.

  • Rule Orders Filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau
    The following administrative rule orders have been filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication date of these rules could be changed. Contact the Legislative Reference Bureau at or (608) 266-7590 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rule orders.
    Public Defender Board
    Revises Chapter PD 3 , relating to determining, collecting and processing the payments from persons as payment for legal representation.
    Effective 6-19-11.
    Public Defender Board
    Revises Chapter PD 6 , relating to determining, collecting and processing the payments from persons as payment for legal representation.
    Effective 6-19-11.
    Regulation and Licensing
    Controlled Substances Board
    Creates section CSB 2.35 , relating to scheduling of a schedule II controlled substance, lisdexamfetamine under ch. 961 , Stats, of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act.
    Effective 5-1-11.
    Technical College System Board
    Revises section TCS 17.06 , relating to training program grants.
    Effective 5-1-11.