Submittal of Rules to Legislative Council Clearinghouse
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings - Administrative Rules
for further information on a particular rule.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, Forestry, Recreation, Chs. NR 1—
DNR # FH-03-11
On February 7, 2011, the Department of Natural Resources submitted proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
The proposed order revises Chapters
NR 20
, and
, relating to the 2011 annual spring hearings relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Agency Procedure for Promulgation
Public hearings will be held April 11, 2011 in each county. The Bureau of Fisheries Management is primarily responsible for promulgation of the rules.
Contact Information
Kate Strom Hiorns
Bureau of Fisheries Management
(608) 266-0828
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, Forestry, Recreation, Chs. NR 1—
DNR # WM-01-11
On February 7, 2011, the Department of Natural Resources submitted proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
The proposed order revises Chapters
NR 10
, relating to the 2011 annual spring hearings relating to hunting, trapping and the management of department lands.
Agency Procedure for Promulgation
Public hearings will be held April 11, 2011 in each county. The Bureau of Wildlife Management is primarily responsible for promulgation of the rules.
Contact Information
Scott Loomans
Bureau of Wildlife Management
(608) 267-2452
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, Forestry, Recreation, Chs. NR 1—
DNR # FH-50-10
On February 14, 2011, the Department of Natural Resources submitted proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
The proposed order revises Chapter
NR 25
, relating to the use and marking of commercial fishing trap nets in Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.
Agency Procedure for Promulgation
Public hearings will be held March 14 and 16, 2011. The Bureau of Fisheries Management is primarily responsible for promulgation of the rules.
Contact Information
William Horns
Bureau of Fisheries Management
(608) 266-8782
Natural Resources
Environmental Protection — Air Pollution Control,
Chs. NR 400—
DNR # AM-44-10
On February 4, 2011, the Department of Natural Resources submitted proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
The proposed order revises Chapters
NR 400
, and
, relating to revisions to reasonably available control technology rules for volatile organic compound to address deficiencies identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and affecting small businesses.
Agency Procedure for Promulgation
A public hearing will be held March 14, 2011. The Bureau of Air Management is primarily responsible for promulgation of the rules.
Contact Information
Robert Eckdale
Bureau of Air Management
(608) 266-2856