Creates Chapter
Comm 126
, relating to the Wisconsin Venture Fund.
Effective 1-1-11.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—
DNR # WM-04-08
Revises Chapters
NR 10
relating to hunting in state parks, including department managed portions of State Ice Age Trail areas.
Effective 1-1-11.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—
DNR # WM-02-10
Revises Chapters
NR 8
relating to license and permit procedures, game and hunting, wildlife damage and nuisance control and dog trials and training.
Effective 1-1-11.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—
DNR # FH-17-09
Revises Chapters
NR 20
, relating to commercial fishing on the Mississippi river boundary waters of Wisconsin and affecting small business.
Effective 1-1-11.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—
DNR # WM-21-10
Effective 1-1-11 in part and 2-1-11 in part.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—
DNR # ER-10-10
Amends section
NR 29.04 (1) (a)
, and creates section 29.04 (1) (am), (c) and (d) relating to Endangered Resources Information Fees.
Effective 1-1-11.
Natural Resources
Environmental Protection — General, Chs. NR 100—
Environmental Protection — Water Supply, Chs. NR 800—
DNR # DG-25-10
Repeals section
NR 142.03 (1)
and creates Chapter
NR 856
, relating to registration and reporting process for water withdrawals and affecting small business.
Effective 1-1-11.
Natural Resources
Environmental Protection — Water Supply, Chs. NR 800—
DNR # DG-24-10
Creates Chapter
NR 852
, relating to water conservation and water use efficiency for water withdrawals and affecting small business.
Effective 1-1-11.
Natural Resources
Environmental Protection — General, Chs. NR 100—
Environmental Protection — Water Supply, Chs. NR 800—
DNR # DG-23-10
Repeals section
NR 142.03 (4)
and creates Chapter
NR 850
, relating to water withdrawal fees in the Great Lakes basin and affecting small business.
Effective 1-1-11.