CR_08-098 Revises Ch. DHS 12, relating to personal care worker crimes list.  

  • Submittal of Proposed Rules to the Legislature
    Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings - Administrative Rules for further information on a particular rule.
    A rule-making order revising Chapter VFF-EMT 1 , relating to the Service Award Program for volunteer fire fighters, emergency medical technicians and first responders.
    Health Services
    Management and Technology and Strategic Finance,
    Chs. DHS 1—
    A rule-making order revising Chapter DHS 12 , relating to personal care worker crimes list.
    Natural Resources
    Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—
    A rule-making order amending Chapter NR 27 , relating to the removal of Trumpeter Swan from the endangered species list and Osprey from the threatened species list.